O Alto-Comando da Fundação Malcolm Lowry reuniu-se em Cuernavaca para beber mescal e planear as actividades do próximo ano. Foram tomadas decisões, mas haviam bebido tanto que no dia seguinte ninguém as recordava. Naturalmente, o espírito do Cônsul esteve presente durante a farra.
The 'high command' of the Malcolm Lowry Foundation gathered together in Cuernavaca to drink mescal and plan activities for the next year. Decisions were made, but such quantities were imbibed that the next day all was forgotten. The spirit of the Consul was truly present during the revelry.
Le Haut Commandement de la Fondation Malcolm Lowry s'est réuni á Cuernavaca pour boire du mezcal et planifier les activités de l'année prochaine. Des décisions ont été prises mais ils avaient tellement bu que le lendemain, ils avaient tout oublié. L'esprit du Consul, évidemment, était présent durant la féte...