Este blog fue creado con el propósito de unir a la comunidad lowryana de todo el mundo a fin de intercambiar ideas e información sobre el escritor, además de promover y organizar conferencias, coloquios y otras actividades acerca de su obra. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
Este blogue foi criado com o intuito de unir a comunidade lowryana de todo o mundo, a fim de trocar ideias e informação sobre o autor, promover a organização de conferências, colóquios e outras actividades relacionadas com a promoção da sua obra. Este é o primeiro sítio trilingue feito no México sobre o tema. Cuernavaca, México.
Malcolm Lowry Foundation
This blog was created to comunicate all lowry scholars, fans and enthusiastics from around the world in order to promote the interchange of materials and information about the writer as well as organize events such as lectures, colloquiums and other activities related to the work of the author. Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Ce blog a été crée dans le but de rapprocher la communauté lowryenne du monde entier afin de pouvoir échanger des idées et des informations sur l'auteur ainsi que promouvoir et organiser des conférences, colloques et autres activités en relation avec son oeuvre. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexique.

lunes, 15 de julio de 2019
Blue Plaque for Malcolm Lowry in New Brighton
Malcolm Lowry (1909-57), author of the classic modernist novel Under the Volcano, is to
be honoured by Wirral Council with a Blue Plaque in his birthplace of New Brighton. The
heritage plaque, to be unveiled on Lowry’s birthday, 28 July, will be positioned on the sea
wall looking out to the Mersey Estuary, a resonant site for a writer whose voyages took
him across the oceans. The honour comes during Wirral’s year as Liverpool City Region
Borough of Culture.
The son of a Liverpool cotton broker, Lowry grew up exploring the Deeside of the Wirral
after the family moved to Caldy. The topography of this Merseyside peninsular, with its
beaches, woods, golf courses and lighthouses, set against the backdrop of North Wales, is
vividly recalled in his writing.
Lowry studied literature at Cambridge, before leaving England for an eventful life in Europe,
America, Mexico and Canada, where he settled, living in a squatter’s shack at Dollarton on
the Burrard Inlet, north of Vancouver with his second wife Margerie Bonner.
Here, during the Second World War, he completed his great novel Under the Volcano, set in
Mexico as the world headed towards war. Structured around a single day – the Day of the
Dead - in 1938, in the life of an alcoholic British ex-consul, the book is a richly layered
meditation on the human condition and a portrayal of self-destruction.
Published in 1947, the book was hailed as a modern masterpiece and continues to be listed
among the most significant novels of the 20th century. In 1984, it was adapted by John
Huston for a film starring the late Albert Finney as the consul. In his life, Lowry had only one
other book published, Ultramarine (1933), based on his voyage as a young deckhand, sailing
from Birkenhead Docks to the Far East. He left several unfinished books, short stories and
poems, many of which were published posthumously.
Though Lowry never returned to Merseyside, his childhood haunts inform his writing, not
least in his ‘lost’ novel, In Ballast to the White Sea, set largely in Wirral, Liverpool and
Preston, and published in a scholarly edition in 2014.
Since 2009, a group of Lowry enthusiasts, the Firminists (named after the main character in
Under the Volcano, Geoffrey Firmin) have been working with Bluecoat, Liverpool’s
contemporary arts centre, to research and celebrate the writer and reconnect him to
Merseyside through an annual ‘Lowry Lounge’ programme. They have worked with
Conservation Areas Wirral to realise the Blue Plaque.
Bluecoat’s Artistic Director, Bryan Biggs said, “We are delighted that Wirral is recognising a
talent as unique as Lowry’s in this way. His influence is not just literary, but is seen in artists
working across the creative spectrum around the world. This plaque will help shine a light
on his birthplace and its importance to his writing”.
Peter Bolt of Conservation Areas Wirral (CAW) said, “CAW is delighted on behalf of the
Wirral Heritage fund to facilitate the supply of this Blue Plaque to commemorate one of
Wirral’s most prolific writers. We would like to think that, with its location overlooking the
Mersey, it will inspire many more people to discover the magic of Lowry’s work”.
Lucy Barrow, Assistant Director: Culture & Visitor Economy at Wirral Council, said, “Wirral is
the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture for 2019, providing a wonderful opportunity to
showcase the fantastic history and heritage of the borough and to honour people from
Wirral who have made, and continue to make, internationally significant contributions to
arts and culture. We are proud to be working with Bluecoat, Conservation Areas Wirral and
other partners to mark Malcolm Lowry’s connection to our special peninsula during our
Borough of Culture year”.
Poet, Ian McMillan, a fan of Lowry since his teenage years, who selected the writer as his
choice for BBC Radio Four's Great Lives recently, said, “It’s great to commemorate one of
the North West’s and the world’s greatest writers in this way; a Blue Plaque like a giant
piece of punctuation in a landscape that Malcolm Lowry knew so well!”
The plaque will be unveiled on Sunday 28 July at 2pm by the Mayor and Mayoress of Wirral,
Councillor Tony Smith and Mrs Barbara Smith at New Brighton Promenade (opposite Marine
Point security office). There will be a public programme of Lowry events this Autumn on
Wirral, including a talk, film screening and walking tour. Details to be announced by
For further information please contact:
Carly Townsend
Media and Marketing Manager, Bluecoat
0151 702 7770