Este blog fue creado con el propósito de unir a la comunidad lowryana de todo el mundo a fin de intercambiar ideas e información sobre el escritor, además de promover y organizar conferencias, coloquios y otras actividades acerca de su obra. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
Este blogue foi criado com o intuito de unir a comunidade lowryana de todo o mundo, a fim de trocar ideias e informação sobre o autor, promover a organização de conferências, colóquios e outras actividades relacionadas com a promoção da sua obra. Este é o primeiro sítio trilingue feito no México sobre o tema. Cuernavaca, México.
Malcolm Lowry Foundation
This blog was created to comunicate all lowry scholars, fans and enthusiastics from around the world in order to promote the interchange of materials and information about the writer as well as organize events such as lectures, colloquiums and other activities related to the work of the author. Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Ce blog a été crée dans le but de rapprocher la communauté lowryenne du monde entier afin de pouvoir échanger des idées et des informations sur l'auteur ainsi que promouvoir et organiser des conférences, colloques et autres activités en relation avec son oeuvre. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexique.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016
Call for papers for next Lowry Colloquium
International conference, Liverpool John Moores University and Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK, Friday 28 and Saturday 29 July 2017
Confirmed speakers
Sherrill Grace OC (Professor Emerita, University of British Columbia); Michael Schmidt OBE FRSL; Paul Tiessen (Professor Emeritus, Wilfrid Laurier University); Vik Doyen (KU Leuven); Miguel Mota (University of British Columbia); Chris Ackerley (Professor Emeritus, University of Otago); David Large (University of Otago); Patrick A. McCarthy (University of Miami)
2017 marks the seventieth anniversary of the publication of Malcolm Lowry’s great modernist novel Under the Volcano, and the sixtieth anniversary of Lowry’s death. This two-day international conference will explore the legacy of Lowry’s work, his literary status today and his ongoing role as source of inspiration to creative writers and artists across various disciplines. The conference appropriately takes place in Liverpool, across the Mersey from Lowry’s birthplace on the Wirral. Since 2009, Bluecoat (Liverpool’s contemporary arts centre) has worked with the Firminists, an informal collective of Lowry enthusiasts and academics, to stage an annual ‘Lowry Lounge’ to celebrate the writer in the place of his birth. This programme has included guided walks, film screenings, talks and discussions, archival displays, music and other creative responses to Lowry, and book launches of the University of Ottawa Press critical editions of Swinging the Maelstrom (2013), In Ballast to the White Sea (2014) and The 1940 Under the Volcano (2015). The 2017 Lowry Lounge will take place on Saturday 29 July at Bluecoat and conference delegates will have the opportunity to participate in the programme.
We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers or ideas for panels. Topics might include, but need not be limited to:
* Under the Volcano as canonical, cult, or (late-)modernist novel
* Reappraising Lowry as a literary figure today: where does Lowry sit in the canons or contexts of English/British and/or Canadian and/or North American literature?
* The concept of the masterpiece in relation to a writer’s oeuvre as a whole: is Under the Volcano Lowry’s only wholly successful work?
* Lowry and politics, especially in relation to the recently published In Ballast to the White Sea
* Editing Lowry and the new critical editions of his texts; genetic criticism
* Place and psychogeographical approaches to Lowry
* Lowry and temporality – the fluidity of time and memory in Lowry’s writing
* Lowry and intertextuality
* Lowry and cinema, music, or other art forms
* Lowry as source or inspiration for contemporary creative work
* Lowry and gender
Alongside academic papers we would also welcome presentations of creative work inspired by or connected to Lowry, including film, visual art or work in other media. There will be opportunities to screen or display such work as part of the event.
Please submit 300-word proposals along with a short (200 words max) biographical note to Helen Tookey by 30 November 2016.
Organising committee
Helen Tookey (Liverpool John Moores University)
Bryan Biggs (Artistic Director, Bluecoat)
Robert Sheppard (Edge Hill University)
Ailsa Cox (Edge Hill University)
Mark Goodall (University of Bradford)
Colin Dilnot (Merseyside-based artist and researcher)
Liverpool is on the North-West coast of England and has airport connections via Liverpool John Lennon Airport (20 min. from city centre) or Manchester Airport (30 miles), as well as excellent road and rail links (2 hours 15 min from London by train). A former European Capital of Culture (in 2008), the city has a superb cultural offer of galleries, museums, theatres and other attractions, excellent restaurants, affordable hotels and a vibrant nightlife. It is also within easy reach of coastal walks, the Wirral peninsula and North Wales.
viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016
La "Fundación Rodolfo Morales" de Oaxaca realizó un video documental de la obra y hay varios reportajes para televisión además de los de la prensa escrita.
La obra ilustra diferentes aspectos de la cultura mexicana recurriendo a símbolos utilizados por Lowry en Bajo el volcán, obra que Chambas conoció hacia 1970. Desde entonces ha viajado por el país teniendo siempre presente la visión del propio Lowry y, atrapado en ese universo mágico contruido como una interfase entre la realidad y la obra, sigue los pasos del Cónsul...