Este blog fue creado con el propósito de unir a la comunidad lowryana de todo el mundo a fin de intercambiar ideas e información sobre el escritor, además de promover y organizar conferencias, coloquios y otras actividades acerca de su obra. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
Este blogue foi criado com o intuito de unir a comunidade lowryana de todo o mundo, a fim de trocar ideias e informação sobre o autor, promover a organização de conferências, colóquios e outras actividades relacionadas com a promoção da sua obra. Este é o primeiro sítio trilingue feito no México sobre o tema. Cuernavaca, México.
Malcolm Lowry Foundation
This blog was created to comunicate all lowry scholars, fans and enthusiastics from around the world in order to promote the interchange of materials and information about the writer as well as organize events such as lectures, colloquiums and other activities related to the work of the author. Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Ce blog a été crée dans le but de rapprocher la communauté lowryenne du monde entier afin de pouvoir échanger des idées et des informations sur l'auteur ainsi que promouvoir et organiser des conférences, colloques et autres activités en relation avec son oeuvre. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexique.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
martes, 5 de mayo de 2009
Nota de periódico, 1986

Under the Volcano Foundation hopes to save Lowry house.
Cuernavaca, Morelos, July 8. Today, in a notary's office in this city, there will be a meeting of the founding members of the non-profit association Bajo el Volcan, which has as its objective the preservation of the house where the legendary British writer Malcolm Lowry lived, informed the writer Hernan Lara Zavala, coordinator of the literary workshop of the Regional Fine Arts Institute of Cuernavaca. He affirmed that in this house, which is located near the center of the city, Lowry wrote his novel Under the Volcano during his second trip to Mexico and was published by Jonathan Cape. Hernan Lara Zavala indicated that one of the principal objectives of the foundation was to preserve the house, which runs the risk of being demolished to make way for a proposed road. He added that the association is looking for the possibility of buying the property through grants and donations, in order to establish a museum and library, and to conserve the property as a historical and cultural site. (Simon Hipolito Castro/Correspondent).